Important Dates to Remember for VAAVV 2015
Thursday, October 1, 2015

Presenter Registration Deadline: You will be notified of your acceptance to present by August 15, 2015, and all accepted presenters must be registered and paid for the symposium by October 1, 2015 or be deleted from the program.
Registration Fee Increase: Registration fee will increase again after October 1, 2015! Register early for the best value.
Hot Topics/Late Breaker Abstract Submission Deadline: Please submit your Hot Topic/Late Breaker Abstract prior to this date to be considered for oral or poster presentation. You will be notified of acceptance by October 14, and if accepted, must complete your registration for the symposium by October 21, 2015. There will be no scholarships paid for presenters in this category.
Thursday, October 15, 2015

The Gateway Hotel & Conference Center will have guest rooms blocked for the VAAVV 2015 symposium participants until Thursday, October 15, 2015. Please make your lodging reservations by communicating directly with the Gateway Hotel & Conference Center reservations department at 1-800-FOR-AMES by Thursday, October 15, 2015 in order to receive the preferred rate. You must identify your affiliation with the VAAVV 2015 Symposium to qualify for the group rate of $101.00, plus 12% tax, requests received after Thursday, October 15, 2015 will be accepted on a space available and a rate available basis. For online reservations you may use the code: VAAVV2015.
Thursday, November 5, 2015

VAAVV 2015 Begins: Vaccines Against Antigenically Variable Viruses Symposium, VAAVV 2015 begins at 6:00 pm with a social hour, followed by dinner and Keynote Speaker: Nancy Haigwood, Ph.D., Oregon Health Sciences University.
On-sight Registration: Registration fee will increase for on-sight registrants November 5, 2015! Register early for the best value.
Sunday, November 8, 2015

VAAVV 2015 Awards and Scholarships: Vaccines Against Antigenically Variable Viruses Symposium, VAAVV 2015 scholarships will be paid and awards will be presented after our last scheduled speaker at approximately 10:00 am, Sunday, November 8, 2015.**