Be sure to register early for the best value! Early-bird registration ends September 1, 2015.
You can find out more about VAAVV 2015 Registration Here:
Please refer to:
Your registration fee includes access to the entire VAAVV 2015 program scheduled for Thursday, November 05 thru Sunday, November 08, 2015 and all program materials. All of your meals will be provided during the symposium, this includes the Welcome Dinner and Reception on Thursday evening. Please note that lunch will not be provided after the closing remarks on Sunday, so please plan accordingly.
Register for VAAVV 2015 Symposium:
You can securely register ONLINE for the VAAVV 2015 Symposium Here.
To register by mail, print a copy of the registration form and mail to Iowa State University, Registration Services, 1601 Golden Aspen Drive, Ste 110, Ames, IA 50010. Make payment with credit card, check, or purchase order.
To register by fax print a copy of the registration form and fax to 515.294.6223. Make payment with credit card, check, or purchase order.
Files in pdf format can be viewed using Adobe Acrobat, which is available here for free.
Please Refer To:
Please contact us if we can be of assistance in coordinating services for you and your family.
- $100 Registration Discount for ALL student/Post-docs submitting an accepted abstract. Discount is applied towards presenting author’s registration only.
- $500 Scholarship for students/Post-docs selected for oral presentation. Scholarships will be paid at the end of the symposium, if you are present.
- $250 Scholarship for students/Post-docs selected for outstanding posters. Awards will be presented and scholarships will be paid at the end of the symposium, if you are present.
- Scholarships for travel and registration will be awarded for accepted abstract submissions from under-represented minority institutions, based on quality of the abstract and funding available. Scholarships will be paid at the end of the symposium, if you are present.
Iowa State University has a strong commitment to under-represented and under-served groups in the biological, microbiological, and veterinary sciences. They offer services to women, minorities, and persons with disabilities and encourage them to attend and participate in meetings and symposiums. We will provide scholarships for travel and registration for accepted abstract submissions from underrepresented minority institutions based on quality of the abstract and funding available.

Session I: Antigenic Variation in Viruses
Session II: Immune Correlates of Protection
Session III: Insights from Bioinformatics and Computational/Systems Biology
Session IV: B Cell immunity Issues for Vaccine Designs
Session V: Strategies to Enhance Immune Responses and Vaccine Efficacy
Session VI: Hot Topics/ Late Breakers
(Abstracts in the Session VI: Hot Topics/ Late Breakers category may be submitted until October 1, 2015. NO scholarships will be available for presenters in this category)
Session VII: Insights from Structural Biology
I understand that lodging is not included with my registration fee, can you recommend a local hotel?
The registration fee does not include lodging. You will be responsible for securing your own lodging. The Gateway Hotel & Conference Center will have guest rooms blocked for the VAAVV 2015 symposium participants until Thursday, October 15, 2015. Please make your lodging reservations by communicating directly with the Gateway Hotel & Conference Center reservations department at 1-800-FOR-AMES by Thursday, October 15, 2015 in order to receive the preferred rate. You must identify your affiliation with the VAAVV 2015 Symposium to qualify for the group rate of $101.00, plus 12% tax, requests received after Thursday, October 15, 2015 will be accepted on a space available and a rate available basis. For online reservations you may use the code: VAAVV2015. Please note their check-in time of 4:00pm and check-out time of 12:00pm.
Gateway Hotel & Conference Center
2100 Green Hills Drive
Ames, IA 50010
There are two additional hotels within walking distance to the VAAVV 2015 Venue:
Holiday Inn
2609 University Blvd
Ames, IA 50010
Best Western Hotel
2500 University Blvd
Ames, IA 50010